The Phoenix Property Management| PROFESSIONAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT|119 N. Dalmont Hobbs, NM 88240 (575)393-2616
Properties will be shown once an approved application and a background check from the local
police department are turned into our office.
Name ___________________________ Co-Applicant__________________________
SS#_______________DL#__________ SS#____________________DL#__________
Date of Birth_____________________ Date of Birth__________________________
Phone: Home ____________________ Phone_______________________________
Work_____________________ Work_______________________________
Pets (describe)____________________________________________________________
Water-filled Furniture (describe)_____________________________________________
Vehicles to be parked on premises (make, model, year,license plate no.)______________
In the past, have you been delinquent in paying rent or other financial obligations?
If yes, please explain____________________________________________________________
In the past, have you failed to perform any obligation of a rental agreement or have you been a defendant in an eviction lawsuit?
If yes, please explain______________________
The information on the application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I hereby authorize_____________________or its agents to verify the above information and obtain either a consumer or investigative credit report. I understand that the $______
fee for verifying this rental application is not a deposit, will not be applied to any rent, or refunded even if the application to rent is declined.